The BAS Toolbox: A toolbox for the organisation & implementation of intercultural exchanges based on the BAS experience.

The BAS Toolbox aims at providing parties involved in the development and implementation of intercultural school exchanges with a set of tools and suggestions drawn from the BAS project experience with the organisation of such exchanges.

The document includes:

  • An introduction to the BAS intercultural exchanges and the objectives behind them.
  • A practical guide including:b
  • a step by step description of the phases of an exchange preparation and implementation
  •  roles and responsibilities for all involved parties.
  • a pool of activities planned and implemented within the context of BAS exchanges
  • A set of recommendations based on the BAS experience.
  • A set of practical tools (Annexes) for the implementation and follow-up/reporting of exchanges.

The Toolbox will be available in a online version and a static pdf version on the project website.