A set of questionnaires were developed for the needs of the trifold BAS research. The BAS research, which followed every stage of the BAS exchanges preparation and implementation, included:
● a pre-survey, which included questions on:

socio demographic information
school, hobbies and social life
tourism habits
cultural attitudes
self perception
perception of the “other”
● an on-site survey (ESM) which included:

a recurring activity evaluation question with set of sub-questions that students were asked to reply to right after the completion of each activity they participated in.
The questions were exploring students feelings towards the activities on-site.
● a post-survey, which included questions on:

evaluation of technical/practical aspects of the exchange
experience satisfaction levels,
skills/knowledge gained or improved,
interaction with the “other”,
cultural attitudes (in comparison with pre-survey)
self-perception (in comparison with the pre-survey)
perception of the “other” (in comparison with the pre-survey)