During the past three years the BAS project explored the impact of school intercultural exchanges as a tool for tackling stereotypes and investigating the impact of in-group and out-group contact in one’s attitudes. For this purpose, four exchanges were organized with the participation of four schools from Athens, Barcelona, Brussels, and Sofia. Although the original planned field trips were transformed into virtual exchanges under the impact of the Covid-19 crisis they stayed loyal to the spirit of the project.
The trifold BAS research was planned in such a way to follow up with all the stages of each exchange. (Preparation, delivery, and post-reflection). Participating students replied to a pre-exchange survey before the implementation of the activities as well as a series of on-site activity evaluation questions and a post-exchange survey received a month after the completion of the activities to capture the student reflections on the experience and the possible impact of the activities in their personal views.

The BAS Report is a reflection on the BAS experience through the lens of the BAS research findings. Click here and find out more.