GO! Atheneum Unesco Koekelberg, based in Brussels, Belgium, hosted students of Institut Escola la Mina, from Barcelona, Spain in a series of virtual exchange activities throughout the week of 22-26 of February. This was the third in row of the BAS virtual exchanges, to be implemented.

The Exchange
Host students from Atheneum Koekelberg organized and delivered with the support of their teachers a series of virtual activities for the “visiting” group. As such, students from Institut Escola La Mina were provided with the opportunity to meet the culture and local life of Brussels while providing input from their own context.
The Activities
A wide range of activities were implemented throughout the week, including:
presentations of the host city and school,
open discussions on topics of interest (getting to know each other), Dutch language session.
A session on Brussels as the heart of European Union
Kahoot Quiz sessions,

Belgian students in the role of the tutor delivered Dutch language sessions to the guests from Barcelona.
On Wednesday 24th of February a highly engaging Dutch language session was delivered. Students from Brussels and Barcelona were split into small working groups and host students from Brussels took on the role of the language tutor implementing the session with the active participation of the visiting students from Barcelona. The tutors presented the basics of Dutch language (numbers, days, months, food, common phrases) while some connection with words of common origin in Spanish and Dutch was also made. At the end of the session students from Barcelona had been provided with the opportunity to put in practice the gained knowledge through quizzes and games.
On Friday the 26th another week of activities came to an end with participating students having gained considerable insight on each other cultures and realities and with a promise to stay in touch with each other in the future.