The first, in a series of four BAS virtual cultural exchanges, took place on the week of 8 to 12 of February of 2021. Secondary education students from 2nd Lyceum of Vrilissia of Athens were hosted in a series of virtual sessions, hosted by Institut Escola la Mina in Barcelona, throughout the week.
The Exchange

Over 40 students from Athens and Barcelona came together through virtual means and exchanged experiences and knowledge during the week. Host students from Institut Escola la Mina with the help of the involved teaching staff organized the virtual sessions while guest students from 2nd Lyceum of Vrilissia actively participated in all of them and provided their own input.
The Activities
The programme included a variety of activities. Those included:
presentations of the host school, city and neigbourhood,
open cultural exchange discussions,
game sessions (kahoot, bingo),
a local cuisine cooking session,
and an art session facilitated by a local artist from Barcelona.
The art session took place on the fourth day of the exchange. A local artist from Barcelona, Lorena Eloizaga, presented to both groups the mural that students from Institut Escola la Mina have created to one of the school’s walls under the guidance of the artist. Guest and host students, split into small working groups, were provided with the opportunity to hear from the artist regarding the mural while themselves presented some piece of art they have created based on the work of the artist (examples were shared with them in