Toolbox-Impact Assessment-Post-exchange assessment

Items for Post-exchange activity evaluation

Q. How satisfied are you with the cultural exchange experience overall?

Very unsatisfied, Unsatisfied, Neutral, Satisfied, Very Satisfied 

Q. Through the cultural exchange experience, I (pick the appropriate answer):

Item adapted from

Completely Disagree, Disagree, Neither agree nor disagree, Agree, Completely Agree

I learned about the “other” country and its culture                                            

I broadened my cultural horizons                                             

I improved my intercultural communication skills                                               

I increased my language skills                                     

I become better at collaborating with my classmates

Q. Mention the most enjoyable part of your experience during the exchange activities. Reply briefly.

Open question

Q. Mention the least enjoyable part of your experience during the exchange activities. Reply briefly.

Open question

Items for accessing intergroup Contact

Q. On a scale from 1 to 10 how well did you communicated (verbal and non-verbal) with your peers from the “other” country during the activities you’ve participated in? With 1 being the worst on the scale and 10 the best.

Scale 1 to 10.

Q. Have you been in touch with your project peers (from abroad) since the end of the exchange?


Q. If yes, what is the main mean of communication? Select all that apply.

