Last week, 15-19 of February, 2nd Lyceum of Vrilissia hosted students from 127 SU Ivan Denkoglu for a series of virtual sessions, successfully implementing the second in row of the BAS virtual cultural exchanges.
The Exchange

Students from Athens and Sofia were provided with the opportunity to come together and exchange ideas and knowledge through their active participating in a variety of activities that were co-organised by participating students. Greek and Bulgarian secondary education students actively engaged in all of the implemented activities, showing high levels of involvement and unique interest in the culture of the “other”.
The Activities
A wide variety of activities were implemented throughout the week, includeding:
presentations of host and guest school, city and neigbourhood,

open discussions on topics of interest (youth culture, food, habits),
a music and dance session (exchange of culture and talent).
Kahoot Quiz session on respected cultures,
And language exchanges (Greek and Bulgarian)
On Tuesday 16th of February during the session on music and dance art apart from the interesting presentations (audio and ppt) of each countries’ music and dance culture (traditional and contemporary) students had the time to express their own artistic tendencies. Students from both groups (Athens and Sofia) presented to the group their talents. Some students sung, some played instruments while other showcase pieces of handmade art (jewelry, draws). The sessions was highly enjoyed by all participants and helped in the enhancement of the intergroup relations.
The week of activities ended with participating students having gained considerable insight on each other cultures and realities and with a promise to stay in touch with each other in the future.