The Research Centre for Migration Studies (CER-M) established in 2009, is one of the most prestigious research centres on migration in Spain. It builds on a longstanding reputation in the study of migration from a sociological, anthropological, legal, political and educational perspective.
The CER-M gathers three research groups with the shared objective of further contributing to migration studies in the field of the Social Sciences. The centre has a longstanding experience in applied social research focused on children and youth, migrations and inequalities in multicultural contexts. Indeed, BAS project is coordinated by EMIGRA – a research group of Anthropology of Education founded in 2004. The Group focuses on migrant and minority groups overrepresented in underachievement and exclusion from a comparative and intersectional approach, as well as on the public policies developed and implemented to reduce them. It has been involved in the recently completed 7FP project (2013-2018) on tackling Early School Leaving.

Jordi Pàmies (Coord.), Silvia Carrasco (Researcher)

Marta Pérez (Technical Assistance)
Parc de Recerca A. Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona. Bellaterra (Cerdanyola del Vallès)